Abstractions of the Indexes to the Civil Records of Polizzi Generosa and Isnello, Italy

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Project is Growing!

Here we are seven months into this project and website and we have made alot of progress. September alone saw the addition or update of 20 Polizzi Generosa indexes and 3 Isnello indexes as well several additions to the “Information” section. It remains my goal to abstract and place on this website the indexes for all the vital records for Polizzi Generosa and Isnello for the years 1820-1910.

I have started to send a monthly email update of changes made to the website. If you did not get September’s update and would like added to the email distribution list please email me at Melanie_Holtz@hotmail.com. Please indicate in your email whether it is Polizzi Generosa or Isnello that you are researching as I am keeping separate email distribution lists.

Interest has been expressed in a listserv/mailing list being created. Research is underway as to the feasibility of this. If this is something you would like, let me know at the email address above. It’ll give me a better idea of how many people would find this beneficial. From being on other mailing lists I have to say that often links are established and distant cousins reconnected through such lists.

Some other ideas that have been suggested are: 1. a section for family histories and photos and 2. a section to post city directories where our ancestors were located. The immigrants from a particular ancestral town often congregated in the same section of a U.S. town so this could be particularly helpful for other researchers.

In September I posted a “Call for Volunteers” on the website [see below]. If you are interested please contact me. You can do as little or as much as you want. I work off images I have copied from the microfilm and enter the information in a template created in Excel.


If you would like to volunteer to help in the abstraction of the indexes please contact me at the email address below. The more volunteers I have the faster I'll be able to get this information online for the benefit of all Polizzi Generosa and Isnello researchers.

If you have any comments or questions please do not hesitate to email me at Melanie_Holtz@hotmail.com."

I am excited that the website continues to grow beyond even the initial concept of posting the abstractions of the vital records. Check back often as we continue to make this website a valuable tool for those researching in Polizzi Generosa and Isnello.

